From Instagram to an official website, 305represent has come a long way. I started 305represent on Instagram with no clue where it would take me. Fast forward nine years and here we are, still active and pushing out content daily. I have big plans and aspirations with this website and the future of 305represent, stay tuned!
I will use this site to publish articles and content, an extension of sorts of the 305represent Instagram page. I also have a ton of ideas brewing and in the works for the future for the site, including having you guys, the followers, write your own articles on Dolphins topics and much more.
Bare with me as I work to get the site customized, completed and up to par for navigation. I greatly appreciate everyone for following along. You can create an account on the site to like and comment on articles and posts.
Thank you! The future is bright, fins up!
By Greg Hanford, @305represent